Technology Business Management Services (Run your IT as a Business)

Run your IT as a Business

Six Benefits You’ll Gain from Technology Business Management Services

IT Business Value Management

Demonstrate business value from data driven IT. Show how investments map to business needs. Run IT as a business.

 IT Cost Breakdown

Understand what makes up your costs. Provide showback or chargeback to business units. Identify high cost areas to target. Compare utilisation and other factors to cost of service.

Cloud Cost Management

Identify cloud costs across multiple providers. Identify who is impacting cloud costs. Compare on premise to cloud costs.

IT Value

Turn the discussion around from IT Costs to IT Value. Communicate cost and consumption to drive trade-off decisions.

Data-Driven Decisions

Have the data to back up your decisions. Know where the costs are coming from and formulate strategies to address.

IT as a Business

Equip your IT leadership with the tools to manage their business like a business and not technology. Enable them to understand what drives costs. Change KPI’s to reflect effective business drivers not high level vagueness.

Technology Business Management Services

Technology Business Management (TBM) is a proof of value engagement that enables your IT to operate like a business through:

– Fostering a business culture with business IT solutions

– Sound fiscal discipline

– Enabling value conversations

Trusted APPTIO Partner

Apptio provides us with the SaaS tool and the base model with which to enable you to start implementing business IT solutions and managing IT like a business. Apptio links us with the discipline of Technology Business Management (TBM), which is essentially a formalised approach to managing the business of IT. TBM consists of a framework, a set of metrics (KPI’s) and the TBM system which is the software, data and model needed to automate the processes and analytics to manage your technology business.

We can start with a proof of value that takes a piece of your IT, IaaS cloud consumption or storage for example, and extracts information and insights from the data. From there a typical approach is to tackle IT cost transparency or IT planning and budgeting depending on the business need and direction. If the focus is more on the infrastructure and operational costs then cost transparency is the way to go. If the organisation is undergoing a significant transformation, then IT planning and budgeting may be more beneficial.

Move Your Business IT Solutions from Technology-Centric to Business Services Outcomes

Speak to a Technology Business Management Services Expert

Infrastructure architects with expertise in future technologies and business IT solutions will workshop to develop the efficiency of your IT strategy. Leverage enterprise architecture services and align special expertise to your business needs.

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